Load more button loads same posts

Hi, I created a page with more than one blog section, each of the blog sections loads different categories of posts. The category displayed on the first blog section has a lot of posts so it needs the "load more" button. However, when the button is clicked the same posts appear instead of older ones. How do I fix this problem? I'm running the latest version of Wordpress and Betheme.

Thanks a lot


  • Hi,

    did you tried to deactivate all extra plugins?
  • No. I use Duplicate post, Jetpack, Revolution Slider, and ShareThis. But they're all very essential to the site. Does it might to be one of them?
  • Heya, I just deactivated one by one and it didnt work. I also deactivated all of them together and still didnt work. I only didnt deactivate Rev Slider because I can't afford losing my slideshows.

    Do you think it might be Rev Slider that's causing the problem?
  • We found where the problem is. We already noticed that you ise Blog item on single portfolio page. This won't work because blog and portfolio items does not work that way. The items that uses loops, like Blog can be used on regular pages only.
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