After changing fonts in Theme Options, translated pages get old fonts
Here I have a development website where I changed Fonts in Theme Options.
Before rebranding we had Krub font, now we need Playfair Display + Roboto combination.
After changing fonts in Theme Options, I get correct fonts in my home page:
However, after updating the translation to PL (I tried updating first, then deleting the translated page and recreating it by WPML Advanced Editor) I get old fonts:
When I check the page with wrong fonts in BeBuilder I can see that theme options are set correctly:
Now when I try to change some font (e.g. Big Headings) to something else, I can see chosen font in BeBuilder (translated page):
However, after clicking Update, the changes are not reflected:
How do I deal with it?
OK, I found in the WPML -> String Translation some strange settings that had old font names as translations:
So everything is fine now?
Can I help with anything else?
Best regards