Dear Support Team,

I hope this message finds you well.

I am writing to seek your assistance with an issue I am currently facing with the calendar feature embedded on a specific page of my website. The page in question is https://kleinfeldtwebdes-kf2jalc8qf.live-website.com/sicherheitstraining/.

The calendar on this page is designed to allow users to navigate between different months. However, I have encountered a problem concerning the CSS styling applied to this feature. To give you some background, I have been using a custom CSS file to style the calendar in accordance with the aesthetic and layout requirements of my site. Everything was functioning perfectly until recent attempts to switch between months using the calendar feature.

Upon changing the calendar month, the applied CSS styling fails to work as intended, resulting in an undesirable presentation of the calendar on the webpage. I have reviewed and attempted to debug the CSS file, but without success. It seems there might be a conflict or incompatibility occurring when the calendar month is changed.

Given the importance of maintaining a consistent and professional appearance on our site, and considering that this issue is significantly impacting the user experience for our visitors, your urgent support in resolving this matter is crucial.

Could you please assist me by providing expert advice and guidance on how to restore the correct functioning of the CSS styling when changing months on the calendar featured on the mentioned page? Since I am not proficient in dealing with such technical issues, your prompt assistance would be highly appreciated.

Kindly let me know if you require any additional information or clarification regarding this issue. I am eagerly awaiting your prompt response and support to ensure a swift resolution to this matter.

Thank you in advance for your time and assistance.

Warm regards,


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