Possible bug in Page Template

Hello, I've just created a Page Template, but when I try to edit a Column Text element this is what I see instead of the normal editor.

If i try to clic on Visual/Text nothing happens. It is normal for templates to do this?

Please let me know, the site is already online.

Thank you



  • Hi,

    Because you faced with such a weird issue, which I believe has nothing to with the Betheme itself, I recommend to do the following:

    1. Please go to your FTP account where theme is, remove whole theme folder and then upload the latest version thru FTP as well. Please make sure that all the files were copied correctly.

    2. Remove all 3rd party plugins (including cache of course).

    3. Make sure, there is no additional cache stuff on server side.

    Hope above steps would help you a lot.

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