Bebuilder woocommerce description
I want to use bebuilder as content builder for woocommerce single product description tab. There is button - "Edit with BeBuilder" - but when I click it, BeBuilder is loading indefinetely - only BeBuilder logo is shown
What can be wrong? Is it possible to use builder inside other elements - like custom tabs in product edit?
You can access my web with the credential sent you earlier this day for another (solved) issue.
Thanks in advance.
Please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at, and we will check what might be the reason.
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Ok, there was some kind of plugin conflict - deactivating and reactivating plugins - and now it works.
Is there some way to add bebuilder inside other fields in woocommerce single product - like - short description, custom tabs (3rd party plugin) etc.?
Not yet but it's on our "to do" list already.
For others - problem was with plugin Easy accordion - I managed to solved by simply deactivating plugin on pages with muffin builder:
Plugin: Freesoul - backend url: *action=mfn-live-builder
That's great, thank you for letting other users what was the reason.
BeBuilder is working, but for some unknown reason, it is not saving correctly.
I have this page:
Sacharidové vlny - WEB is copy of this page:
ZHUBNI NAFURT 2.0 - WEB paragraph is still the same - I managed to change the second paragraph (with accordion), saved the product (Saharidové vlny) - it was ok - the paragraph changed. Then I wanted to change the first one and it remains the same all the time I press "Update", there is a success message, but no change... :/
Can you look at it? You can try it for your self.
I found where the problem was - it was the smileys in the text (copied from another site).
For example: ?
It will be good to have some kind of warning, that the content was not saved properly because of this. All you get is message, that it was saved, but it was not.
Thanks for the suggestion.
I will pass it on to the dev team, and we will discuss this.
Best regards