Mobile menu breakpoint issue
When a custom menu breakpoint is set for smaller screens, some strange output is seen around this value for the Side_slide functionality.
This is using the original/default header system (with Elementor in use) - not BeTheme.
The menu breakpoint is set at 941px and a "mobile menu" is in place.
At 940px viewport width, the menu shown is not the selected "Custom menu" and the menu itself doesn't have the top margin/padding to stay clear of the search icon:
Only at 766px viewport width does the correct menu show and spacing for the search icon work.
I note in the menu.js file that the default mobileInit value is set to 768. Within the source the `var mfn` data does show 941. Not sure if there's an issue in its implementation, or something else?
You can see this in practice at
Can you please advise how to get the view of the 767px menu shown all the way up to the 940px breakpoint?
I have passed it to the dev team. To prevent incorrect display, use the following CSS code:
However, assigning an appropriate menu requires us to fix it in files, which should be available in the upcoming update.
Best regards
Thank you.
Please let me know when resolved so I can proactively update for the client immediately.
If it's a quick fix and the code changes can be shared, I'd be happy to modify the files before the update is available.
If I will get a solution for that before an update, I will let you know.
Best regards