Achives Blog


I'm trying to personalize the archive of a blog category via templates.

But I don't understand which element should I use to display the posts in the category.

I don't see anything matching in the available items.

did I miss something?



  • Hi,

    There are three ways you can choose to post a layout on an archive template:

    1) Use the Blog element. With it, you can choose one of the predefined styles.

    2) Use one of the templates.

    3) Build your layout from scratch with a query loop. This point is almost the same as the second one, so if you do not know how to do it, you can first insert one of the pre-built templates to see how it was built and recreate your own layout, or adjust the inserted one.

    Best regards

  • Hello

    Thanks Phil, I just discovered importing templates, I had never seen the dropdowns with the different options located at the top!

    Have a nice week end

  • Happy I could help.

    Have a lovely weekend too

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