Add same padding as Header


I have a section that is full width, which is great, but then I would like to add some margin to the left so that it would mirror the width of the rest of my content on the left-hand side.

I tried giving the fullwidth section a percentage based margin to the left but that doesnt work responsively. What margin value should I give the section so that it always lines up with the rest of my content on the left side, despite screen size

As you can see in the example below I have given the section a 10% margin-left, and I can increase that to match the content above, but that only works for that screen size.

I have seen that you use:

#Header .container {

  1. padding-left: var(--mfn-column-gap-left);
  2. padding-right: var(--mfn-column-gap-right);


Perhaps I can use that somehow?

Thanks in advance,



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