Footer template

Dear support,

I've created a template for the main footer and set the condition to display on the entire site. The footer displays properly on the Donation shop and singular posts but not on any of the other pages. There is a space below the copyright section and I don't know where it's coming from. On the donation shop pages the footer is displayed without the space and on all the other pages this space shows up. There is no padding or margin added that I know of. I've even tried creating another template but the same issue appears as soon as I set the condition to display on the entire site.

Please note that initially the template worked perfectly on the entire site, but during one of the last theme updates this space appeared.

Here are the links:

I will provide you with the WP login details through the support page.

Grateful if someone can look into this matter and remove the space below the copyright section.



  • Hi,

    One of your custom CSS causes it.

    I temporarily removed custom CSS from Betheme -> Theme options -> Custom CSS & JS -> CSS, and the display was correct:

    To find the culprit, remove your CSS one by one.

    Best regards

  • Hi Phil,

    If that is the case, why is the custom CSS code not affecting the donation shop or the single posts? Also, the mobile version of the footer is not affected.

    donation shop -

    single post -

    As I said, this code worked perfectly and there were no issues until I had to update the theme. Every time I have to update the theme, I have to dread whether something else will break on my website.

    I would appreciate if you can investigate further and see what causes this issue. It's impossible that the code affects some pages and others not.

    For your information, I have located the custom code in case you need it for your investigation.

    .the_content_wrapper {

      position: absolute;

       top: 420px;

       padding-bottom: 30px;




  • It does not affect some pages because not all pages have .the_content_wrapper. If you inspect with browser developer tools, you can notice that you will not find this class there.

    Sorry, but we cannot take responsibility for the custom CSS you create and use on your website. You must either get rid of it or adjust it so as not to break the layout.

    Best regards

  • This is the element with .the_content_wrapper class. Are you telling me that this should appear on all other pages? I understand that it appears on the cart and checkout page, but it shouldn't appear on the rest of the website.

    Again, I don't think the problem is the CSS custom code. This element should not be appearing on the entire site and it didn't before the update.

    I am not asking you to take responsibility for the custom code, I am asking you to take responsibility for the update that caused this issue in the first place. Instead of simply dismissing this issue as a result of custom code, I would appreciate if you can properly investigate it and see what caused it, especially because it worked perfectly fine before the update.



  • I meant that .the_content_wrapper does not appear on all pages.

    Would be so kind as to explain to me how the CSS is not the problem?

    As I showed you before, the gap disappears when this CSS is not in use. The update is not a problem because without this CSS the page shows correctly, but maybe I do not understand or miss something from your message.


  • The CSS was not a problem before the update. The CSS seems to be a problem only after the update. I keep trying to tell you this. I had this CSS code since June and it didn't cause any gap in the design. The gap only appeared after I updated the theme. So it's only normal to assume that the update is the problem and not the CSS code.

    If you say that the .the_content_wrapper does not appear on all pages, then why does the gap appear on all pages apart from the Donation shop page? This would imply that .the_content_wrapper does appear on all pages, which should not be the case.

    I would appreciate if you can check this element and see why is it causing the gap to appear on pages where this element should not be in the first place.


  • I understand, but custom code is still custom code. We did not create it, so we do not take it into account in updates. Our theme evolves with each update, and some structures and functions might change between updates.

    If custom code stops working or breaks the layout after an update, it is not our responsibility to correct that, no matter how long you have this CSS code been working on your website. I do not even know what this code is for and how it should work. You can clearly see that the gap does not appear without it, so everything is correct with clear betheme (without CSS custom modifications).

    It is a similar case as with a Child theme.

    Child theme support policy:

    Using a child theme usually means that you want to modify the core theme files. Any mistake in the code may render the page unusable. Please be careful when performing such actions because our support policy does not cover such changes, and we will not be able to help you.

    If there is anything else I can assist you with, please feel free to ask. Thank you for your understanding, and I look forward to helping you with any other inquiries you may have.

    Best regards

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