Pre-Bulit website BeKids | Text part of the revolution slider disappears after a while

Hi, I am using a pre-Bulit website BeKids which contains a text that is part of the revolution slider and disappears after a while. I can't find any setting within the revolution slider to change that behavior. Please advise. thx!


  • Hi,

    Which text do you refer to?

    Can you attach a screenshot showing it, please?


  • Top text that says "Want Adventures?" - here is the screenshot

  • But this text is constantly visible and does not disappear after a while.

    Anyway, you can edit this text animation in Layer Options.

    Best regards

  • On your demo site, its doesn't disappear. But when installed through the dashboard, it does disappear. I even did a fresh install of the same Kids site to check if I may mistakenly edited a setting, and the fresh install does the same thing. Please describe what specific setting under the Animation Out to look for to remedy this. thx!

  • I installed this demo on my environment, and the text does not disappear.

    Please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at, and we will check what might be the reason.


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