Edit / create similar global section with animated text.


I kindly ask for help editing animated text (creeping line) with my own text.

As it appears on the bottom of this template: https://themes.muffingroup.com/be/estate4/

Thank you very much!


  • Hi,

    It is an animated SVG. If you want to put your own animated SVG there you must create it with some graphic tool like Figma.

    Best regards

  • Hello! Thank you very much for reply.

    Can I address another issue here?

    I am stuck with "sort by" products feature. Please see the screenshots.

    above "ordenar por" is available.

    But not for my website.

    Please advise.

    Kind regards,


  • Hello,

    Now it works somehow... Could you advise how can I translate this widged to spanish?


  • These texts are translated automatically by WooCommerce and depend on the site and user language.

    If you open it with a user with the main language set to Spanish, it will be automatically translated.

    Best regards

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