Unable to edit elements on BeBuilder - renderMfnFields is not defined
I have a bug (like few others) with my BeBuilder, cannot edit elements on my webpage. I am up to date with wordpress and with betheme.
On plugins i only have what came with BeTheme and WPML (disabled social feed).
Error i get is: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected string bebuilder-27.2.11.js:117
Uncaught ReferenceError: renderMfnFields is not defined
at Object.do (scripts.js?ver=1701874576:9529:39)
at HTMLAnchorElement.<anonymous> (scripts.js?ver=1701874576:1905:24)
at HTMLDivElement.dispatch (load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5Bchunk_0%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,thickbox,wp-polyfill-inert,regenerator-runtime,wp-polyfill,wp-hooks&ver=6.4.1:2:40035)
at v.handle (load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5Bchunk_0%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,thickbox,wp-polyfill-inert,regenerator-runtime,wp-polyfill,wp-hooks&ver=6.4.1:2:38006)
I know you ask people for access, and i know at least 3 people before me had this issue so i ask you can you point me to solution? If not i guess i will need to request access for you from my superior.
Thank you
Please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at http://themeforest.net/user/muffingroup#contact and we will check what might be the reason.
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Thank you for your response,
i requested access from my superiors, as soon as we put our website on a public subdomain i will send it as you requested.