Concerns Regarding Low PageSpeed Results After Purchasing Betheme

edited December 2023 in SEO


I hope this message finds you well. Today, I purchased Betheme, but unfortunately, I am experiencing low results in PageSpeed Insights, with a score of 35 for mobile and 76 for desktop on my website:

I have applied the premade theme App 7, and in the Performance settings, I have implemented the Recommended settings. Upon checking the System status, everything appears to be okay with no problems, and the Server configuration also indicates 0 problems found.

I have not made any changes to the theme, server, or plugins yet; I have only performed a refreshed installation.

I attached images of server status, plugins and results.

My question is, why am I encountering these low PageSpeed results when the theme assured me of being the fastest? What steps should I take to achieve the high PageSpeed results as mentioned in the theme specifications?

Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards,


  • Hi,

    You imported an older demo that was using PNG instead of WEBP. First of all, you should replace images with your own with the WEBP extension.

    Moreover, it uses Slider Revolution, which is a great tool, but it also affects results in PageSpeed. I recommend removing the slider and replacing it with a section in the BeBuilder.

    Please also check the following link. There, you will find instructions about how to improve the loading time for your website:


  • thanks for support

    But now i tried basic design from scratch without any sliders or images, i GET low results too

  • Did you apply the recommended setting in the performance tab?

    Beyond the settings that are applied, you can also disable Entrance animations and Font Awesome. Also, at the bottom, the performance settings enable the Cache assets option.

    Also, many of the notices refer to the plugins, so if you disable the plugins, the result will also improve.

    Best regards

  • but i got performance

    89 performance on desktop

    and 52 on mobile

  • There is a slider on your website:

    You should get rid of it and check the results then.

    If you check our websites without it, you will notice that they perform much better than those with SR.

    Also, please note that PageSpeed does its test based on the areas with weak access to the internet. If your main target is highly developed countries, you can take PageSpeed results less seriously and use more advanced tools just like Slider Revolution because, on average internet in Europe, your website would load in less than half a second even with the slider.

    Best regards

  • I already checked without it still have 65 pagespeed for mobile ?

    you mentioned in betheme features that 100 for desktop

    in for mobile it is 93 as fastest theme

    I got 92 for desktop and 63 for mobile ( screenshot attached ) with default theme and without slider or any modifications

  • can u help me please to get 100 for desktop and above 90 for mobile in the default theme because i will add many content

    i just want to reach this speed before heavy modification i will do .. i want to make sure the theme is fast so i did all steps you mentioned and removed slider also

  • Please send us the WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at, and we will check that.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

    Sending incorrect or incomplete data will result in a longer response time.

    Therefore, please ensure that the data you send are complete and correct.


  • How can accessing dashboard ?

    the good news Now, After 2 days modifications and after cloudflare take effect


    I got +90 performance rating,

    I just have problem with accessibility, It is 57


    63 performance

    59 accessibility

    when I got +90 for performanc, thats mean server work good, so why I got 63 on mobile performance, How can i fix that to be +90 because most of visitors from mobile, and how i adjust accessability for both desktop and mobile ?

    If you can provide me with resources to increase mobile performance with betheme and accessabilty for both mobile and desktop, I will be appreciated

    Thank you

  • Create a new user with admin rights, and send us access to it through the contact form, and we will check how we can help you.

    Best regards

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