Settings Just Not Working At All
This is getting very frustrating. As you can see in the image we clearly have the background for the submenu set to red. but the setting is completely ignored.
We are experiencing really strange behaviour from this theme, settings reverting back to previous. Lost work. Settings that should be simple to adjust simply being ignored. Items in the BE Bulider where you cannot see the edit icon as they are off screen.
We are on a deadline with this site build. How long does it take for paid support to respond?
Please always attach a link to your website so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost), then our help will be limited. You will have to contact us when the page is online. Also, please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us with the link.
It is always a good idea to also attach a screenshot showing your issue.
We work from Monday to Friday between 9 AM and 5 PM (we are located in central Europe) and usually send answers three times a day at 12 PM, 2 PM, and 4 PM.
I thought I did attach a screen shot.
The page is the home page at
Screen capture attached again.
Also as you can see from the screen capture the menu is not collapsing anymore ands stays open all the time. I ca'nt find where that changed in settings for the menu.
Are you sure that the link to your website is correct?
I tried to open it, but it did not work.
Best regards
What country are you hitting it from? Its restricted at Cloudflare, but you should have gotten a CF message not a time out.
I am connecting from Poland.
Best regards
OK. We have unblocked Poland and tested access via BrowserStack.
Please try again and let us know if you needs credentials cut to get in.
Yes, please send us the WordPress dashboard access privately through the contact form, which is on the right side at, and we will check what might be the reason.
Please attach a link to this forum discussion.
Sending incorrect or incomplete data will result in a longer response time.
Therefore, please ensure that the data you send are complete and correct.
Creds sent!
1) I have changed the color, and it works correctly:
2) Your header construction causes incorrect display. I have saved the revision from before my changes so you can go back to it, but I will modify the correct display.
This is how it looks without incorrectly used custom widths:
Best regards
Thanks Phil, can we get some direction on how we make that a vertical menu that is not always displayed but displayed only when hovered over?
FYI We need that background white, red was just so you could see what wasn't working :D
Also if you look at the Categories main menu its got more main categories and sub categories than are displayed.
Can you please just set the menu back to how it would be after the Furniture 2 website import?
With the Revisions you can go back with changes you made.
Best regards
SO we figured out the Categories menu - but now we are creating a new header for mobile (Mobile Header activated) and we are not seeing what we are building in the BE Builder on in the browser. Our header is over the slier.
We have added margin and padding to no avail.
In the header template settings in the mobile header area set the Body offset for header to Yes.
Best regards
Nailed it! - Thanks a million Phil!
Is there a menu element that is better suited to mobile? One that expands vertically rather than flying out to the sides?
What you need is a Menu Burger element.
You can combine it with the Sidebar Menu builder to achieve an even more advanced layout.
Best regards
Awesome! Thanks Phil!