portfolio items are not displaying


I have several pages that display different portfolio items. Three of the 5 portfolio pages are not displaying the items. I have updated my php version because I was using an older version of php, but that did not fix the problem.

Can you please help me figure this out? Here are links to pages in question:

It has been working just fine for several years, but now it has stopped.

Thank you.


  • Hi,

    Which builder do you use on the portfolio projects?

    Did you try disabling your plugins to see if none of them causes it?

    Best regards

  • Thank you for your suggestions. I will try disabling my plugins and return if I am still having problems.

    I apologize for the duplicate discussion. I created the first question and when I hit submit, it told me my support was expired and the discussion disappeared. After I confirmed that my support was valid, I could not find the discussion again and assumed that it had not been submitted since my support was considered invalid.

    I am using the BeTheme page builder. They were originally built using the BeBuilder Blocks Classic I think. The pages were built at least a year ago and have been working perfectly until now. I have not edited my site except to perform updates in several months, so nothing should have changed.

  • I am back. I am still not able to view the various portfolios.

    Here's what I've tried.

    1. Disabled all plugins
    2. Disabled child theme
    3. Updated all plugins, theme and WordPress installations
    4. Updated php version
    5. Cleared Cache and reloaded browser
  • Please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at http://themeforest.net/user/muffingroup#contact, and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

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  • You had the "Use as related" option enabled, and it was causing this issue.

    I disabled it, and it works correctly now.

    Best regards

  • Thank you!

    That fixed the display problem. Is that a new setting? It is not something that I have ever touched on any of the portfolio pages. And why would it be correct on some of them and incorrect on others?

    I have a new problem now. The Website Portfolio is not recognizing my footer. It is displaying the content over the top of the footer. All of the other portfolio pages are behaving correctly. I can't find a difference in the settings of the different pages. Can you help me fix that?


  • 1) This setting was introduced a couple of versions ago but is disabled by default.

    2) Can you attach a link to this page and a screenshot showing your problem, please?


  • Hi,

    Sorry about the delay. Life got busy.

    The page with the problem is: https://www.debswebsdesign.com/wordpress-website-portfolio/

    As you can see in the attached screenshot, the page content is overlapping the footer content. The other portfolio pages are displaying correctly.

  • You had a custom height set for the Portfolio element to 215px, which was causing this issue.

    I have changed it to default, and it works correctly now.

    Best regards

  • Thank you so much! That is so weird! Yet another setting that I have not touched. I appreciate your help getting this fixed.

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