BeBuilder is blocking the loading of scripts and styles in the calculator plugin Cost Calculator.

I am using Betheme on several pages in combination with the Cost Calculator plugin, and I have the problem that before loading the calculator the code is visible. The plugin support team detected that Betheme is blocking the loading of scripts and styles in the calculator. This throws off the usual loading sequence where the builder precedes the calculator, causing it to stall during the loading animation. Is there any way to correct this?


  • Hi,

    Please always attach a link to your website so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost), then our help will be limited. You will have to contact us when the page is online. Also, please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us with the link.

    It is always a good idea to also attach a screenshot showing your issue.


  • The website is

    The error can be detected more when seen from the computer than on the mobile, because on the mobile it is at the bottom and by the time it is seen the calculator has already loaded.

  • Sorry, but I could not find that on your website.

    Can you please attach a screenshot showing where it is and what is wrong?


  • Of course! Attachment screenshot.

  • It displays like this for me.

    Did you handle this in the meantime?

    Best regards

  • Yes, there are 2 quotes. The code appears when the internet is a little slower, or when you change from Home to the link Cotizador SNTE and then return to home and you have to load the quote. Maybe you can refresh the page and it can be seen.

    I attach a video.

  • It looks like this plugin uses JS, and there will always be a brief time when this code is visible. It has nothing to do with the theme, as we do not block anything, and as you can see, it loads correctly.

    If you switch to another theme and use the element from this plugin you will notice the same behavior. It all depends on user device and internet speed, as JS is executed on the client side.

    Best regards

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