Blog pagination

I've added the Blog element on one of the pages with categories filtration enabled. Problem is that the first page only displays one / a few of the posts in that category, even though there are less posts to show (5 in this example), then there are posts enabled to show (16 in this example). If I click on the second page, all of them from that category get displayed.


  • Hi,

    looks like you have enabled jquery filtering with pagination. These both features are technically incompatible so you need to decide if you want to use jquery filtering (in this case you have to display all posts on load) or pagination.

    Further details regarding this incompatibility, you will find in one of the articles in our FAQ

  • Thank you for your response.

    jquery filtering was disabled though, i've enabled it now and set posts per page to a very high number, but because of that the pagination is now gone. So in reality even with it off the pagination wasn't working properly.

    Moreover, if i enable "load more" function (jquery off), the button is not displayed on the first page load, only after a refresh. This is something that happened on other websites running Be theme, as i have multiple licenses. Giving this, the only realistic option seems to be high number of posts per page only.

  • Also, the options mentioned in the article are not there.

  • Did you tried to disable ALL 3rd party plugins? Because it looks like the problem is with your additional tools.

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