Sticky menu on mobile

edited February 2024 in Menu / Mega menu


I would like the sitcky menu to change when I'm scrolling on mobile. This is the example of webiste:

Modello 231 e Politica anti-corruzione | Lutech

This is menu when the page is opened:

And this is when I scroll down:

Is there a way to achieve this?

Thank you,



  • Sorry, sticky header I meant, on mobile

  • Ok, I'we managed to change the backgound to transparent and when scrolled to white:

    But, how can I change Logo color and icon color (burger menu) when scrolled on mobile? Because on Sticky mode there is only desktop view if I'm not mistaken?

  • Hi,

    I am happy to see that you found the option for changing the color on the scroll.

    However, there is no option to change the logo on the scroll for the mobile header.

    Best regards

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