Toogle Text Aligment



  • Another Question:

    How can I disable the navigation elements in specific portfolio Items? Just for 1-2 items :)

  • I managed the navigation issue but stumbled about another one.

    Is it possible to exclude some items from the navigations arrows?

  • To hide the navigation on a particular portfolio page, you must use this CSS code:

     display: none;

    And put it in the Custom CSS field on the portfolio project page.

    Best regards

  • Hey Phil, thank you. This is what I figured out, but I still have some questions:

    1. Since Chrome and Safari block autoplay videos (but I wanna include one in my slider) how do I achieve this? It is mentioned that muted autoplay videos work, but even when I upload the video without sound, it seems not to work. Is there a solution (since I don't have a direct license, I can't ask in the Slider Revolution forum I guess?)
    2. I would like to exclude the portfolio items from the navigation via the arrows so that you cannot navigate to these items from other items. Is this possible?
    3. Sadly, the problem with the stuck mouse movement after leaving the image gallery from the popup still exists. I cleared the cache and also asked other people to test the feature and they all face the same behavior: I recorded another loom, so maybe you can see the behavior better. (I cleared all caches before.)
    4. When I am using a portfolio element with Pagniation and a load more button it doesn't work. It shows me duplicated entries. This behavior doesn't occur in Portfolio Slider or when I doesn't use pagination and load more button and display the items on startup. How can I fix this?

    Feel free to use the login data provided to you to check the portfolio Items etc.

    Thank you so much for your help I would be lost without you!

    Best regards,


  • 1) Video must have mute parameter in HTML, so muting it manually will not work. Anyway, there is no option to enable autoplay video in the slider.

    2) If you disable the Show all posts option in Betheme -> Theme options -> Global -> Navigation & Share, then the navigation will work only among the same category:

    Then, you can assign different categories to portfolios you do not want to navigate to with arrows.

    3) I could not access your WP dashboard. Did you change the address for /wp-admin?

    4) Please set up as high number of Project numbers and check if the problem persists.

    Best regards

  • 1: Gotcha! Thank you :)

    2: I disabled the Options but where do I assign the categories to portfolio?

    3: is the new login :)

    4: As I told if the projects are shown directly (pre loaded) then there is no error but I wanna have 3 items visible and load more with a button :/

    Best regards,


  • 2) You can do it through quick edit or regular edit.

    3) Please recheck it now.

    4) The jQuery filtering works correctly when all projects are loaded on a single page, so there is no other option than set a high number of portfolio projects.

    Best regards

  • edited March 2024


    I have categories but how do I set the category who shoes / doesn't show the navigation arrows?

    3: Now it works! Thank you :3

    4: Wait so that I don't misunderstand you.

    5: Is it possible to dynamically adjust the FavIcon regarding your theme (light and dark?) Which options do I have in this case :)

    I would now like to achieve the behavior that 3 projects are displayed and the others are loaded via the "Load More" button. 

    Why do I have to show all projects, that would make the "Load More" button function completely nonsensical? Or am I misunderstanding something?  

    Best regards

  • 2) If you set two portfolio projects to the same category, then the navigation will work only among the same category. That is all you need to set.

    4) The jQuery filtering is used in the Portfolio element. With it, the Load More does not work (it is mentioned in theme options).

    When not all posts are visible from the start, jQuery filtering does not see them and cannot load them properly.

    Best regards

  • 2: I understand to be honest. So I can put portfolio items in different categories and the ones I want to exclude I just don't put in any categories?

    3: But how I can make it work with only 3 projects and the other ones loading because even when I disable jQuery filtering it doesn't work?

    Best regards

  • 2) That is correct. Or put it in a different category and, with custom CSS, hide the navigation.

    3) Sorry, I overlooked that. The problem was caused because you set the order to Menu order, but all portfolio projects have the same order value. When I changed it to date or title, it started to work correctly.

    Best regards

  • edited March 2024

    2) Done thank you so much!

    3) Ahh, thank you so much! Now it works perfectly! I overlooked this point as well!

    New Question Round:

    1) I am sorry to ask so many questions, but I can't find where to use the "Dark Theme" on the Woomerce Account page. Is it possible, or do I need to change all my standard theme color settings? I already changed it partly so it looks a little bit dark but you can see for example the background focus color is still off etc.

    2) How to change this page section? Since its not the account page (I wanna add my google login button also here)

    3) How to adjust the icons correctly? (they are higher than the text)

  • 1) Froms colors are taken from Betheme -> Theme options -> Colors -> Forms:

    2) Can you please attach a screenshot pointing to what you refer to?

    3) Have you disabled it from your website? I do not see the user icon, so I cannot access it.

    Best regards

    1. So I can't use Darktheme on this woomerce page like I did with other wraps that I could just enable the checkbox "Dark" and it gives me a dark theme? If yes, where can I see the color which will get used using "Dark" in Wraps to everything looks the same? (As you can see my site is mostly dark/dark themed styled!)
    3. Please use the staging since the other site is already live so I didn't wanted to include something that isn't looking perfect!

    Best regards!

  • 1) I would not say the dark option is the same as a dark theme. It just changes all text within the section to white, so the text is visible if you have a black background.

    WooCommerce pages and parts are taken from theme options (unless you create a template for shop archives and products).

    However, you can overwrite styles with your custom CSS code.

    2) This part is not editable. It only takes links from the account page to stuff such as Orders, Download, etc.

    Adding anything more there, require modifying the files in which we do not provide help.

    3) Try the following CSS code:

    .mfn-header-login .woocommerce-form .form-row.form-row-first .input-text{
     padding: 10px 40px;

    Best regards

  • 1) gotcha!

    2) Okay thank you :)

    3) Also done

    A new question I would like to ask:


    The Portfolio Element doesn't do the margin correctly when the text is presented in 2 rows. Even a custom CSS like:

    .pager_wrapper { margin-top: 20px}

    doesn't fix the problem at the first load (sometimes It works, sometimes not)

    What can I do about it?

    Best regards


  • A lazy load for these images causes this issue.

    Please disable the lazy load, and the problem will disappear.

    Best regards

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