Cart layout

Hi there,

Is it possible to put the shipment text/price next to button? Is it also possible to give the 'Doorgaan naar afrekenen' the same boxed layout as the button in the cart section (second image)?



  • Hi,

    1) Is there anything I should fill to show these checkboxes? I do not have them, and I am not familiar with Dutch.

    2) Try the following CSS code:

     background-color: #000;
     border-radius: 8px;
    .wc-block-cart__submit-container a{
     color: #fff;

    Please put it in Betheme -> Theme options -> Custom CSS & JS -> CSS.

    Best regards

  • 1) Can you make them the same as in the second image (3. verzendopties)

    2) Thank you for the CSS. It worked.

  • That is not what I wanted, but I realized that I must add more products to the cart to have these checkboxes.

    Please try this CSS code and let me know if it works:

    .wc-block-components-totals-shipping .wc-block-components-radio-control__option {
      margin: 0;
      padding: .75em 0 .75em 3.5em;

    Best regards

  • Sorry, I indeed forgot to tell you that the checkboxes only appear if there are multiple products in the cart.

    The CSS works. Thanks for the help!

  • Hi, is it possible to remove the entire upsell section from the cart ('Misschien ben je ook geïnteresseerd in..' section in Dutch)?

  • If you do not set any Upsell products in the product edition, then nothing should appear there.

    Best regards

  • I know. But I want to show the upsells on the product page, so I have to set some upsells at each product. Is it possible to not show the upsells in the cart by using a CSS?

  • Try the following one:

    .woocommerce-cart .wp-block-woocommerce-cart-cross-sells-block{
     display: none;

    Best regards

  • This CSS works. Thank you for your help.

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