"Buy Now" button
Hello, how can I add another “Buy Now” button to the product card, so that after clicking it, the client will immediately proceed to checkout with the selected product (or an already assembled basket).
Hello, how can I add another “Buy Now” button to the product card, so that after clicking it, the client will immediately proceed to checkout with the selected product (or an already assembled basket).
We do not have such a feature.
You would have to use some WooCommerce extension that allows you to add such a button.
Best regards
It's a shame, it's an important feature for WooCommerce stores.
I also wanted to clarify that you have not implemented the ability to make missing product variations visually distinguishable (for example: cross out the attribute) (select black color and visually see what sizes are left (for example), or vice versa, select a color and see another attribute that exists) ?
If you would like to see this feature in future updates, please let us know on the following topic:
Missing variations style is predefined, and they are grayed out (an opacity is assigned to them).
Best regards