Changing 1 Instance of a Fancy Header

edited July 2015 in Shortcodes
My client asked me to change the size and padding of ONE instance of a fancy header being used on their website. Here is a link to the page ( It is the "Thank You to Our Donors, Grantors & Supporters" header. I've tried everything I can think of to try, but to no avail. The title is being wrapped in the h2 tag. Can you please help me with this? I'd really apprecate it. Thanks!


  • Hi,

    if you want to change styles for this heading, you must set class name for the item and then under Theme options > Custom CSS & JS > Custom CSS section you must write some custom styles.
  • edited July 2015
    I did that, but it wouldn't pick up the class. I may be using the wrong syntax. Can you direct me to a place where it is explained in the documentation? I saw another user had the same type of question, and I followed your instructions, but it didn't work. I must be writing either the class or the CSS wrong.

    I tried several things, but this was the one I thought might work:

    Custom CSS:
    .fancy_heading .title2 {
        font-size: 34px;
        line-height: 34px;

    Class Name:
    fancy_heading title2
  • As we see, there is no .fancy_heading .title2 class. You can see it in the firebug
  • I realize that. That was the NEW class I created, as per your instructions. 
  • So if you want to create this class for the item, type new class name into "Custom | Classes" field and then use css.
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