Moving to live server from localhost

edited February 17 in Other

Hello, i am trying to move my website to a live server from localhost.

I tried two ways:

1. Copying/exporting the website's files and db and pasting/importing them to the live server and

2. Uploading a backup from wp-staging plugin to a clean wordpress installation.

In both ways bebuilder apperars to be broken and i cant access all pages of my website but the homepage.

The worpress pages, menus etc appear to be fine, the only problem is the bebuilder.

My website url is

Please advise!



  • edited February 18

    I already found it, it was Override All command (in var/www) in apache's configuration file. I think a lot of people have this issue and as i searched online there are some unofficial plugins that are supposed to fix this anomaly.

    I hope my solution helps other people.


  • Hi,

    I am happy to see that you handled it, and thanks for providing your solution to others.

    Anyway, for migrations, we suggest using the Duplicator plugin.

    We use it constantly and never have problems with it.

    Best regards

  • I will try that option too!



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