I have added this plugin

But there is no option to use BeBuilder. How to enable it for all posts type?

What I want to achieve is this:

Your used widgets and design options for them are terrible. They look very bad and have only a few options to edit and design. Thus, I would like to create a custom block with the suitable content and then insert it to the content

Thank you


  • Hi,

    1) We did not test this plugin with our theme, and we do not support it, but you can try to use the following filter:

    // add in child theme functions.php
    function my_post_types($post_types){
    	$post_types[] = 'my-custom-post-type';
    	return $post_types;

    2) Can you provide more detail on what you mean by:

    Your used widgets and design options for them are terrible.[...]

    What, in your opinion, is missing and can be improved?

    Best regards

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