Promo box
Hi, this element looks good, but it needs some more improvements.
It would be good to add border and shadow like in a classic wrap...
How to center text horizontally and vertically?
How to change button icon?
[promo_box image="" title="Vyskúšajte účinný kolagén na kĺby" btn_text="Pridať do košíka Gaia Collagen Protein" btn_link="" target="" position="left" border="1" animate=""]Pravidelným užívaním podporuje spevnenie kostí a spojivového tkaniva. Pozitívne vplýva na pohybový aparát.[/promo_box]
If you use it as an element, not a shortcode, you can add a border and box shadow.
Centering text horizontally is possible in the Style tab.
And vertically, you can adjust that by adding a top margin to the title.
But there is no setting to change the icon.
Best regards
I understand this, but I want to add to the blog post as selling boosting.
This is missing in your theme so I have to do it manually
In Blog Post you can use BeBuilder as well, so I quite do not understand what is missing.
Best regards
Insert bebuilder in blog post is not good, because i have to edit entire post and add unnecessary code... and what in the future when we will migrate post content.
As you want, but Shortcode does not have it, and we do not plan to add these options to it.
Anyway if you would like to see this feature in future updates, please let us know on the following topic:
Best regards