WooCOMmerec Logs ERror
We are seeing this error in the WooCOmmerce log repeatedly.
Critical Unterminated comment starting line 43
Additional context
"error": {
"type": 4,
"file": "\/home\/dtapta\/public_html\/wp-content\/themes\/betheme-child\/functions.php",
"line": 43
"backtrace": [
"file": "\/home\/dtapta\/public_html\/wp-content\/plugins\/woocommerce\/includes\/class-woocommerce.php",
"line": 325,
"function": "critical",
"class": "WC_Logger",
"type": "->"
"function": "log_errors",
"class": "WooCommerce",
"type": "->"
Any help or guidance appreciated.
I can see that the child theme is mentioned in that log.
Please switch to the parent theme and check if it still appears.
Issue resolved.
CAUSE: We hadn't moved the license from dev to prod and as such the main theme was not updating.
I am happy to see that you found the root cause and solved it.
If you have any other questions or problems, feel free to ask.
Best regards