@2x.png and any other images not found in latest Wordpress

After Wordpress latest updates, its showing lots of errors in uploads directory for pictures . the theme is always searching for [email protected] or jpg.

lets say if i upload a logo file name as logo.png and set as logo in theme settings. when you do inspect element and to errors area the theme is trying to put [email protected] too and of course theres will be none in upload folders.

THIS HAPPENS IF ANY PICTURES FILES ARE PLACED IN THE PAGE CONTENT TOO. like if i put some pictures in page then it will put @2x.png and inspect element will show it too. 


take a look at www.esiedu.com.au you will see. 


  • Hi,

    these are retina images. If you don't want these images to be loaded, you should disable retina feature under Theme options > Addons & Plugins > Addons section.
  • Ok I understand that these are retina images but do I have to manually upload all the retina images myself via FTP or cpanel. Since it doesn't regenerate by itself. So, it keeps searching for the retina images.. Which the server don't have it. That's why it's showing the errors 404 not found. This doesn't happen before the Wordpress updates. But it started showing up after Wordpress updates. Any idea.

    There's is no way anyone will manually FTP retina images for all the images that has been used in websites. I thought the theme should check if there's any retina images or not and only load the images. The thing that is bugging me is the name of the retina images name must have @2x at the end following the original image. If I place the retina image having the orginalimagename@2x via media upload then it will try to find originalimagename@[email protected] but if I do it via ftp then it goes off since I manually place the [email protected]

    Am I missing a point or there is an error not sure. Why the retina image name must have @2x at the end and only works if I placed it using FTP? Thanks
  • Also I found the theme is using absolute path of "wp-content" in style.php, style-one.php and style-color.php. Usually most of the designers they change the name of wp-contents for security purposes. I think No theme should use an absolute path of the directory any way. Even Wordpress default theme don't use that.

    I had manually hack into theme style.php, style-one.php and style-Color.php files to make it work. I understand the wp-admin and wp-includes are almost impossible to change the name without hacking every file but to change the name of wp-contents should not need the hacking. Since all the normarl plugins also don't use absolute path. Here is the code that is in above php files:

    $url = dirname( _file_);
    $strpos = strpos( $url, 'wp-content' );
    $base = substr( $url, 0, $strpos );

    require_once( $base . 'My.php' );

    It should be using search querying I think. Following using following example.

    $dirname = '';
    $findme = "Style.php";
    $dirs = glob($dirname.'*', GLOB_ONLYDIR);
    $files = array();
    //--- search through each folder for the file
    //--- append results to $files
    foreach( $dirs as $d ) {
    $f = glob( $d .'/'. $findme );
    if( count( $f ) ) {
    $files = array_merge( $files, $f );
    foreach( $files as $f ) {
    echo $f;


    This is just a suggestion. Forgive me I am taking nonsense. Thank you. The theme is best theme I have found in the market. Thankyou for that. What is now is more than enough. :)
  • Thanks for suggestions. We'll consider them while future updates.
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