Blog Appearance


I can not find the appearance settings for the marked items in the attached image.

  1. And ist it possible to insert a space between the posts?
  2. How can the Navigation be removed?
  3. If not possible, how do I change the colors?
  4. Can "Share" be removed?
  5. How can the color of the headings be changed?
  6. How can the button be styled? (At the moment I really don't know where the pink color comes from)
  7. And can the button also be removed? ist it possible to use the same style like in the overview? (text over image)
  8. how can the title underline be removed?

Thanks for your help!


  • Website:

  • Hi,

    1) It can be done with a custom CSS code, but I suggest building your custom blog archive.

    2, 4) These can be removed in Betheme -> Theme options -> Global -> Navigation & Share.

    5) Betheme -> Theme options -> Colors -> Headings.

    6) Buttons styles are defined in Betheme -> Theme options -> Global -> Buttons.

    7) This requires using a custom post template with a blog element set to Related

    8) It can be removed with a custom CSS or if you use the custom template by setting its color to transparent.

    Best regards

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