Icomoon Error
Dear support team,
I am having trouble with icon pack, i've uploaded the icon to this panel
but when I want to use on the bebuilder it shows like this,
but when i use default logo it can works fine.
In this case what should i do?
Sincerely yours.
Did you upload these icons to icoomoon app or choose them in the icomoon website?
Can you try it with another icons package?
Can you try it with another browser?
I uploaded to the icomoon website and then generated the font from the icomoon.
I tried another package and another browser and its still the same.
Was another package with your uploaded icons or the ones from the icomoon?
Best regards
Yes, i can send you the video of how I done it
Sure, please send it.
I will check how you proceed and might catch what could be wrong.
You can also send me the icon package you are trying to use.
Best regards
Your icons were wrongly generated.
Here is the correct package:
Under the following links, you can see how you should proceed with the icons:
Best regards