to use bebuilder with custom post types


I have created new content using ACF this content is showed as a new page type different from the current betheme ones (post, portfolio, testimonials, etc.). I would like to integrate bebuilder in the new posts to build these posts with bebuilder elements and also to create a loop with filters similiar to a shop page.

Is it possible?

Thanks in advance.



  • Hi,

    what you ask for requires files customization but this type of services is something we do not provide. We suggest to contact your developer.

    Thanks for understanding!

  • Hello,

    Returning to this matter, I am mesuring up three ways:


    I am thinking in using two builders. Bebuilder for the normal posts (pages, portfolio, etc.) and wpbakery or elementor for the new post types so that I can use acf and build custom posts and loops.

    Do you think it is possible?


    In a different way, using the xyz plugin (php to shortcode) I could turn the acf element php code into a shortcode and put it into a plaintext bebuilder element. Do you it will work and could be easy to style the element?


    Creating a bebuilder template and use the acf fields in the template. Then, I don´t know if it's possible to create a loop from a bebuilder template. Possible?

    Thanks in advance.


  • Hi,

    1) Sorry, but I am not familiar with such possibilities of these builders.

    2) We cannot recommend any other plugins than the ones we support:

    So you would have to check it out by yourself.

    3) You can use QL with ACF but only with post types that are already available for QL. See the following video tutorial for the clarification:

    Best regards

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