Builder Compatibility

Hello, I'm looking for assistance with a question regarding compatibility of other builders with Betheme's prebuilt websites. I've purchased wpbakery for my site, but I'm not sure that it's compatible with the Betheme Estate4 prebuilt website that I'm also using. When editing with wpbakery it looks like all the prebuilt Estate4 elements become uneditable elements. Can someone assist with a recommendation/knowledge on whether WPBakery is compatible with Betheme Estate4. And if it is not compatible, do you have a recommendation for a builder similar that edits like WPBakery on the back end. I'm not familiar with Bebuilder, and prefer to work in a backend web builder.

Thank you


  • Hi,

    prebuilt websites are built with the BeBuilder and elementor. We don't recommend to use WPBakery as it's extremely clunky tool, unstable and very heavy.

    I strongly encourage you to use the BeBuilder instead. This builder was 100% built in-house and is way lighter, faster and definitely more stable than any other website builder on the market. Moreover, it has a lot of great features that others doesn't have. The BeBuilder is based on flexbox what gives you seriously infinite possibilities of designing. Lots of our customers already switched from most popular page builders and they enjoy the BeBuilder even more. We are pretty sure you're gonna love it too.

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