Hi, how to add some products with custom id? is there shortcode to achieve that on bebuilder?
Can you provide more detail what you want to achieve, please?
We need to add 7 shop products by id in this page
You can use the Woo shortcode for that.
It should look like this: [products ids="390,301,106"]
[products ids="390,301,106"]
Best regards
Its working, but need to be in 4 col? is it woocommerce shortcode?
Did you place it in the Plain Text element?
If yes, try this CSS code:
@media only screen and (min-width:960px){ .column_plain_text .woocommerce .products .product{ width: 23%!important; } .column_plain_text .woocommerce.columns-3 ul.products li.product:nth-child(3n+1){ clear: unset!important; } .column_plain_text .woocommerce.columns-3 ul.products li.product:nth-child(4n+1){ clear: both!important; } }
Thank You
Can you provide more detail what you want to achieve, please?
We need to add 7 shop products by id in this page
You can use the Woo shortcode for that.
It should look like this:
[products ids="390,301,106"]
Best regards
Its working, but need to be in 4 col? is it woocommerce shortcode?
Did you place it in the Plain Text element?
If yes, try this CSS code:
Thank You