Site crash

Hello, this is the second time the design of my website has been destroyed. All predefined styles of the prebuild site are also gone. just to understand that. I wanted to create the menu header as a template. While I was making the settings and then saving, the page was destroyed. what can I do now?

please help quickly!!


  • It is also no longer possible to edit the menu in the header

  • I imported a backup from yesterday. but the question arises as to why this happens.

  • Hey,

    Please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately through the contact form, which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

    Sending incorrect or incomplete data will result in a longer response time.

    Therefore, please ensure that the data you send are complete and correct.


  • edited May 13

    Hello, I sent the login details last week, do you know what the problem is?

    To me it looks like the database is being deleted.

    Apparently there are problems with the template tool. For example, I can no longer edit the column element in the bebuilder

    Please provide brief info

    Thank you very much


  • Sorry, but we didn't get any message from you yet.

    Please check your mail inbox for our response. Look also inside the spam folder.

    If you don't have any message from us, please send your login credentials again.

    Be sure that you sent all of the required information mentioned in the previous message.

    • link to this forum discussion
    • link to your website
    • login credentials
    • FTP credentials


  • I have now sent the message again

    best regards Mario Mayer

  • I have updated theme and header and content in BeBuilder is editable.

    Should I do some specific steps or check a particular page?

    Best regards

  • First of all, thank you very much! I still have questions:

    Can you tell me why this problem occurs? I mean the problem that the site loses all styles or the prebuilt site database is deleted. Do you know this problem from other customers? I've already tried the update but it hasn't changed anything for me. what did they do differently? How can I work around these problems in the future? This problem has already occurred 3 times for me when working in the template tool.

    Thank you for your support. Mario

  • It is hard for us to determine what might be causing this.

    I have not met anyone recently with similar problems.

    Do you remember if you proceeded any special steps before that happened?

    Best regards

  • I remember that in one case I changed the display options in the bebuilder and in another case I saved a page that was created in the bebuilder in the classic editor.

    best regards

  • Actually, there was a bug in which saving a page with BeBuilder Blocks Classic wiped out the Advanced settings in the element, but we have resolved it in Betheme version 27.4.3.

    However, I do not remember any problems with the display conditions.

    If you encounter this again, please let me know as soon as possible, and tell me the steps you proceeded so we will be able to reproduce that, and correct this issue.

    Best regards

  • yes, I will do that, thank you

    Now I have another question: can you create a dynamic listing yourself, I mean a listing with the new loop function and also display a load more button so that, for example, you first see 20 posts or portfolio posts and then use the button to display further posts can leave. just like the “normal” listing works?

    best regards


  • If you create a Query Loop section, you will find there an option to enable Pagination with Load More, for example.

    Best regards

  • I had already suspected that, but unfortunately I don't have this option

    Do I have to make an additional setting somewhere?

  • Your screenshot is from a wrap, and it must be a section.

    Best regards

  • thank you a lot!!!


  • Hello, I have the problem when I click on show more in the generated list and then want to enlarge the image, the description is no longer displayed and the size defined in the CSS file is no longer correct. But before I press this button it works.

    what could be the reason?

    thanks for your support

  • There was a bug in the theme files.

    We have corrected it on your website, and this fix will be included in the upcoming update.

    Best regards

  • Is it possible to include the Love Box in a Custom Builder list?

    I mean the heart icon with the counter in a portfolio list I created

    thank you

  • You can use the Icon Box with the following dynamic data: {postmeta:mfn-post-love}.

    Best regards

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