Troubleshooting Shortcode Display Issue with MailPoet in BeBuilder [mailpoet_page]

I am encountering an issue with MailPoet when trying to customize the user unsubscribe confirmation page. Specifically, the shortcode does not function when it is inserted [mailpoet_page] into BeBuilder. However, if I use the standard page without customization, it works fine.

All other shortcodes from the MailPoet plugin function correctly on BeBuilder. However, when I use another shortcode, like [mailpoet_manage text="Manage your subscription"], it functions perfectly and displays correctly in the div immediately below.

I am testing the functionality as specified by MailPoet, either by clicking on their preview button or by clicking the unsubscribe link that arrives in the newsletter emails.

Could you please assist me in resolving this issue? Any suggestions or guidance on how to make the shortcode work properly in BeBuilder would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your help.


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