Global Section Display Issue

I'm using Pre-built theme Estate-4 and have a global section on my homepage that is displaying incorrectly. On the front-end the spacing and copy/typography displays wrong compared to when I'm editing in the global section, which is how I want it to display (see attached screenshots).

I can provide temporary site access if Betheme support can investigate.

site is:


  • Hey,

    Please send us the WordPress dashboard access privately through the contact form, which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

    Sending incorrect or incomplete data will result in a longer response time.

    Therefore, please ensure that the data you send are complete and correct.


  • Sent an email in contact form, will look for response regarding BeTheme email question in order to create new user/provide credentials. The other issue I'm having with this theme is that the footer is also not properly updating. Under "footer" the pre-built site uses templates that I have edited for the entire site, but my live front-end is still showing the original theme footer with no updates. This applies to all 3 footer templates.(see attached screenshots)

  • 1) Your URL settings in WP were wrong, and they were causing this issue.

    I have corrected it to HTTPS and the problem is gone.

    2) There should be only one Footer with "Entire site" condition. I have switched to Draft the other two templates, and now it works correctly.

    Please check it out.

    Best regards

    PS. I highly recommend disabling all caching and optimizing plugins until you finish working on your website

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