Last actualization issue
Hi again,
On my website, I had the first section of almost every page in fullscreen mode, with a 50vh+30vh shared space for two wraps and a scroll class in a button to go down. The scroll class it worked perfectly, but since the last actualization, this functionality doesn't work; not in user view in Safari and Chrome.
In addition, I have a vertical black line below the button, and I see it in the backoffice but again not in Safari and Chrome.
Could you please, take a look?
(I didn't test it in other browsers)
Thanks for your help again,
Can you send screenshots showing what parts you refer to, please?
Hi again,
This is the button with scroll class that is not working. I mean, it works, it goes to net section but not whit scrolling effect:
On the same page, this is the line
that doesn't appear:
These two things worked perfectly on every page before the last actualization...
Hope you can find the issue...
Thanks for your help.
Please, turn off all of the plugins, refresh your cache, and check if the problem persists.
Moreover, if you use a child theme, switch to parent, and recheck it.