Divider shortcode

edited May 21 in Portfolio


I've noticed that you have some duplicate regarding the divider shortcode:

Divider - Betheme (muffingroup.com)

Divider - Betheme (muffingroup.com)

There is a Hr element and the Divider element:

But in both I cannot set the alignment="start" attribute:

It has display: block inside the class and if I put display: inline-block it creates too much space between the text.

But in the Element block I have so much more options than in the shortcode. It seams that as if the shortocde Hr and Divider are the same Element that is called Divider Basic but they should be distinct as far as the options go because you have two Elements: Divider Basic and Divider. So you should check it on your side.

Please let me know how to resolve this issue.

Thank you. Kind Regards,



  • Hi,

    HR and Divider shortcodes are the same elements. It is just an additional name to make it easier to find for people familiar with HTML and using <hr> tag.

    Shortcode corresponds to the Divider Basic element.

    Thanks for noticing the links misconfiguration on our website. Of course, both should lead to the Divider Basic page.

    Best regards

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