Product or Shop page in page section
in Other
Why can not find the product page or shop page in page section in betheme sometimes?
If the product page or shop page doesn't show, how can we find it?
The main shop page should be marked as "Shop Page" in the page list like in the following screenshot:
Also, products are in the Products tab.
Best regards
That is our questions. When we pre-install some theme, shop page is not listed in the product page list. Why?
If you install a pre-built website that does not have WooCommerce installed, you must set it up manually.
Please see the following link:
Best regards
Sorry. We said after we installed the woocermerce, sometimes, the shop page or product page showed in the page list. Sometimes, we can not find the shop page or product page even though woocommerce has been installed.
In such case, I recommend to disable ALL 3rd party plugins as sounds like the problem is there.
You mean normally after woocommerce was installed, the product or shop page should be showed in the page list automatically. Otherwise, we should disable ALL 3rd party plugins. Is that correct?
If they did not appear automatically, there could be some plugin conflict.
Anyway, you can create them manually by yourself and set them up in the WooCommerce settings. It should be explained in their documentation.
Also, you can use the WooCommerce tool from WooCommerce -> Status -> Tools.
Best regards
OK, I see. Thanks.