Tags and cathegories not visible on mobile


I would like to get help with the proper settings of BeTheme for visibility of Tags / Categories on mobile.

As you can see on SS below, on desktop it's visible and great, but this navigation is missing on mobile, which makes it very CX negative to use :(

I first tried to mull over all Betheme settings and found this, but this doesn't make any changes.

Thank you in advance for help.




  • Hi,

    Please use the following CSS code:

    1. @media only screen and (max-width: 767px){
    2.   .post-header .post-meta .category,
    3.   #Subheader ul.breadcrumbs{
    4.     display: block!important;
    5.   }
    6. }

    Put it in Betheme -> Theme options -> Custom CSS & JS -> CSS.

    Best regards

  • That's awesome... it's working :D



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