Advanced tab - Some styles disappear


First of all, I wanted to say that I have been working with your theme for over 6 years and have followed your evolution over the years. I am excited to see what's next and to continue working with you!

I have been experiencing an issue for some time now on several of my websites. In certain situations, for reasons I don't understand, some settings in the "Advanced" tab of the builder disappear and do not apply to my page.


Example 1 :

  1. I add 10px of bottom margin in the Advanced tab.
  2. I update my page.
  3. The change does not take effect on the front end.
  4. I refresh my builder page.
  5. My 10px margin is still there.

For this example, I do not receive any error messages. I have attached screenshots for your reference.


Example 2 :

  1. I add 10px of bottom margin in the Advanced tab.
  2. I update my page.
  3. The change does not take effect on the front end.
  4. I refresh my builder page.
  5. My 10px margin has disappeared.

For this example, I do not receive any error messages either. Unfortunately, I do not have any screenshots, but this has happened frequently on different websites recently.


I have checked this tutorial, and my links are indeed in HTTPS :

I have sent the login details for the website through your contact form here :

Thank you in advance for your feedback!


  • Hi,

    Did you create this template by copying another one?

    If yes, it might be the reason why it does not work as UIDs are not re-assigned. Please check it now. I saved revision of the template and restored it to regenerate UIDs.

    Best regards

  • Thank you for your feedback ! You saved my time.

    For the first example, yes, I use duplicate posts so I don't have to redo the same style again.

    But for the second example, I've not this bug for the moment, but if I see it again, I will try your solution and get back to you if the problem persists.

    Have a good day!

  • So, I am waiting for your update about this matter.

    Best regards

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