global wraps deleted

edited June 6 in Other

Hello in theme there is a bug, for example if you use a global wrap that you first created as a template, after deleting various elements such as deleting a section in a page/portfolio, the wraps used are also removed, even though they are not have been actively deleted. In my case, I had defined dividing lines that were installed at the end of each section after this process was removed from the portfolio.

Thank you very much

I have just purchased an extension of support, but I don't see that it is active yet


  • Hi,

    Please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at, and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

    Sending incorrect or incomplete data will result in a longer response time.

    Therefore, please ensure that the data you send are complete and correct.

    P.S. If your support extension won't be active, you won't be able to post on forum.

  • Hi,

    I tried to replicate your issue but without any luck.

    Are there any particular steps to reproduce this issue?

    I created a new page, "MFN test page", added some content to it along with global wrap, saved it, refreshed the builder, removed some elements, and global wrap stayed in place.

    Best regards

  • So I edit the page as follows:

    1. I click on the Bebuilder icon in the browser in the status bar.

    2. For example, I edit a block to change the margin or something similar.

    3. after I click on the refesh button and preview the page, the blocks are gone.

    I've done this on a few pages now and the error is still there.

    i have no idea what happen?

    thanks for your support


  • Here is a video to see how I proceed and the error occurs


  • Thanks for the clarification.

    It seems that it did happen on a new page I created, but on your posts.

    We are investigating this issue now, and as soon as we find the root cause I will let you know.

    Best regards

  • We have found the root cause, but correcting it is more complex.

    You have used the same global wrap multiple times on the page. As global wrap has one UID, if it gets deleted once on a page, all places where it was used on the same page will remove that global wrap. Most likely, the section you deleted contained this global wrap, which is why it was removed from the whole page.

    At the moment, we are looking for a solution, and I can only suggest preventing using global wrap multiple times on one page or being careful when removing sections that contain it.

    When we find a solution for that, we will let you know, or release an update with this fix.

    Best regards

  • OK, is this the first time this problem has occurred for me?

    I thought it would be smart if you save a dividing line, as in my case with different icons, as a template and integrate it or is there another solution without solving the whole thing with CSS?

    but thank your for your info

    best regards mario

  • It is hard to determine why it did not occur to you before.

    You can put it as a regular element, not in a global wrap.

    Anyway, we are currently looking for a solution on this issue.

    Best regards

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