Create a table of product specifications


how are you

I would like to inquire about the best way to create a product description like the one in the following link

Please guide me on what steps to add to the product and how to design a table like this 

specification they have


  • Hi,

    Edit your product with BeBuilder, add the Tabs element to it, and put the specification there.

    Best regards

  • Thank you 

    But what is the way to utilize the specifications and include them in a comparison table? 

    Any plugin that can fetch information from tabs and include it in a comparison table 

    Also, what is the way to take the information from tabs to use it in filtering products and any plugin that can do that?

    With best regards

  • I do not know any plugin with such functionalities, but I suggest checking the official WooCommerce website:

    Best regards

  • Hello

    When I implemented the previous steps in creating tabs I found that all tabs cannot be displayed without clicking on them, is there a way to display them all and include tabs more than one line 

    or any alternative option to do what I mentioned at the beginning of the discussion 

    Best regards

  • We do not have tabs with such a scroll effect as in your example, so for that, you would have to use the external plugin as well.

    Best regards

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