using the builder SEO crushes the category pages


I used the SEO builder for SEO purposes, but unfortunately, the portfolio category pages were affected. Below are the links to the affected pages:

1. For the portfolio pages under the category "coffee," I used the SEO Builder, which caused issues with the coffee category page:

2. However, for the cosmetics portfolio pages under the category "cosmetics," I did not use the SEO Builder and the pages remained unaffected:

Thank you.


  • Hello once more,

    I have just realized that when I add a description to the category, the page doesn't crash. However, the issue is that the description is displayed on the front-end. I'm aware that we can hide it, but I am looking for a permanent solution rather than a quick fix.


  • Hi,

    If you want it only for SEO purposes, you can fill it with the YOAST SEO plugin, then it will be not displayed on front.

    Best regards

  • Hello,

    I appreciate your response. I'm not sure if you had a chance to review the links I shared. You can see how the tool is causing issues with the category pages. additioanlly I don't want to fill anything, I simply want the category page to display correctly.

    Thank you

  • Can you please explain what exactly you want to achieve, please?

    I want to avoid further misunderstandings.


  • hello @Phil

    As I mentioned in the first message, my website includes a portfolio. I was using the SEO Builder to generate content (please see the attached image). However, using the SEO Builder has caused issues within the portfolio category page (please refer to the attached image). I believe the tool is responsible for the previously mentioned issue.As I mentionned in the 1st message , my website has a portfolio , and I was using the SEO Builder, to generate content, (please refer to the attached image) , generating content with the SEO Builder, has issued problems within the portfolio category page, (please refer to the attached image) , I guess the tool is the respobsable of the issue previously mentionned

    1-The SEO builder tool:

    2- The crushed category page

    The crushed page clearly shows that the generated content is appearing on the category page, which is quite strange.

    3- The not crushed page

    I didn't use the SEO builder tool for the two portfolio projects shown above.

    You can view the live pages by clicking on the links below.

    The crushed category page :

    The not crashed page



  • That is where my confusion came from. I did not understand what SEO builder you referred to as this is not a builder, and it is called Builder -> SEO.

    Please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately through the contact form, which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

    Sending incorrect or incomplete data will result in a longer response time.

    Therefore, please ensure that the data you send are complete and correct.


  • Thanks @Phil , The requested access has been sent, I apperciate the support

  • We have received your private message and are investigating this.

    As soon as we find something, I will let you know.

    Best regards

  • We have corrected it on your website.

    Please check it out.

    Best regards

  • hey @Phil

    I appreciate the great support, can I know, what was the issue ?


  • There was a bug in the theme files.

    The fix will be also included in the upcoming update.

    Best regards

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