Menu Item targeting a specific section


Is there a way to create a menu item that leads to a specific section of the site?

I have a main header with the main menu. The items "programs" and "event calendar" scroll down to the section. And that's correct.

But when I open the menu on the other site, for example, the contact page, the menu items do not work. As they are targeting a scroll section on the homepage.

So is there a way to create a menu item that will lead to the sections from any pages?

So when I click on the "programs" while being on the contact page it leads to the relevant section on the homepage.

Thanks for your help.



  • Hi,

    If you are using anchor links on a website that is not a One-Page Site, you must provide the whole page URL.

    So, please edit your menu and put instead of section ID only.

    Best regards

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