Custome slider

i want to create a section as slider like this

but not find any option to do please guide how can achieve it.


  • Hi,

    You can use Query Loops for that.

    See the following video tutorials:

    Best regards

  • i watch video but there is not guid about my query one side image and other side content with title, at the end show it but now explain how to do that

  • The basis of creation for Query Loops is the same for all post types. You must create appropriate slides, e.g., with the Slides post type, and create a QL based on that.

    Best regards

  • i try but it show only image not title and description like your screen shot please can you share video link how you do it?

  • I have already sent you a link to a playlist with video tutorials. Did you watch them all?

    Did you add the content to your slides, as shown in my second question?

    Did you add appropriate dynamic data to your QL slider?

    Best regards

  • i simple ask you to create a video your screen how to steps to create slider like you show in picture left image right content , about video i watch there is nothing about my question are you understand or not?

  • We do not offer such support as videos on demand.

    I mentioned the playlist I have sent you because everything is well explained there, and basis of creations are the same for all Query Loops.

    But if you still struggle with that I will try to explain it for you step by step:

    Create a slide:

    Add content to it:

    Open the page where you want to have a slider add a section/wrap set as Query Loop, and select appropriate Post type:

    Change QL to Slider, and activate arrows:

    Then add any element you want. I used Icon Box, and add appropiate dynamic data to fields where you want to display things like title or content:

    That is it.

    Best regards

  • now i understand, thank you.

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