Mobile max width problem

Good morning,

I downloaded one of your themes into a test area and chose to create the pages in Elementor.

I have a big problem, in mobile I get this css class max-width:550 with margins and padding that I haven't set anywhere but which applies to all new containers or even to your containers, if I go to convert them into new containers elementor.

How the hell is this possible????

And how on earth is it possible that you haven't already converted your pre-composed layouts into the new Elementor versions so that you can notice these bugs yourself?

How do I solve it?

I wait fast reply!


  • Hi,

    Please always attach a link to your website so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost), then our help will be limited. You will have to contact us when the page is online. Also, please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us with the link.

    It is always a good idea to also attach a screenshot showing your issue.


  • yes sorry, this is area test link:

    I try to test in home or testpage.

    I don't know to make this conversation private to send you in case the access info

  • the problem is in "section_wrapper" class.....old component not converted they ignore that class while all the new element container I create is affected but I don't know who and where sets that class....

  • I think your class, make some problem with elementor container, because I see other website I build with only bebuilder.

    Your container is a section and inside there is a section_wrapper,butb is inside and the background section remain in full width and for the content inside all is good.

    I attach two screen for this two different website, one this, build in elementor and one build months ago with bebuilder.

    Please I wait your fast reply to resolve this bug.


  • Please go to Betheme -> Theme options -> Responsive -> General, and select Flexbox Container settings.

    Best regards

  • it is already set in Flexbox......

  • no ok, I try to repress the flebox button and now applly a modify.

    But now I don't have a padding or max-width in responsive mobil.

    I guess I have to create a media query for responsive by associating the class with the element container training, right?

  • Did you click it and save the theme options?

    Best regards

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