Adding code to HEAD

Hi, I'm trying to do something as simple as adding code to my HEAD section and I can find no settings or documentation that explain how Betheme handles this most basic functionality.

I suspect I'm missing it somewhere, but I thought I could have searched for it, but none of these led me there, in discussions, in video tutorials, in documentation.

  • add code to head section
  • add code
  • add to head
  • add code to head

I thought something like that would have led me there. Sorry if I just didn't find it.

If there really is no way to do this, please let me know. There are thousands of software services out there that come with instructions to add to the <head> section of your site, and with wordpress, it would seem, the theme is where that would be.



  • Hi,

    You can add a code to the head of your website in Betheme -> Theme options -> SEO.

    Best regards

  • Alright.

    Is is also safe to assume that you are doing no processing on this field at all?

    And I can stack scripts in here, as many as I want? ( within reason, of course, :) )

    When you're that specific in your labels and helper text, the assumption is that YOU ARE doing processing, which is why its counterintuitive to use this (kind of a) hack.

    Google Analytics, while important, is one of THOUSANDS of 3rd party scripts that need to get installed in this way, including chatbots, exit intent, scroll detection forms and other call to actions, cookie and privacy declarations, GDPR notices and so many more...

    And the subheading ONLY says "Google" with no mention of anything else, even Facebook, which is also there...

    This is a fix I'd suggest, which can avoid all of this kind of confusion.

    Hopefully my ticket can be found easily, or maybe add this concept to your documentation somewhere. I could not find anything on it.

    I'm a big fan of your work.


  • If your scripts are written correctly and you are sure about them, then the sure thing is that you can put as many as you want.

    As you noticed, the labels are rather a helper text for less experienced users who want to include GA or FB Pixel on their website and do not know where to do it.

    Anyway, the text below these fields indicates that whatever you put there will be included before the mentioned tag, regardless of what you put there.

    Best regards

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