Woocommerce 9.1.0 | product-image.php version 7.8.0 is out of date. The core version is 9.0.0


We updated Woocommerce to 9.1.0, and our site is now reporting "Your theme (Betheme Child) contains outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files.":

betheme/woocommerce/single-product/product-image.php version 7.8.0 is out of date. The core version is 9.0.0,

Do you know when will an update be released and can you advise how I can check supported versions so that we don't run into this problem again. I would rather have paused the update until such time as BeTheme is updated to fully support the latest WooCommerce version.

Is there anything I need to do in the meanwhile to ensure there are no issues?

Many thanks



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