The Revolution Slider Plugin crashes my 'menu'

Hi there,

Working on this developement site we are facing a problem in the last days – and now I was able to localize the error:

When trying to open the 'menü page' ( it doesn´t display anything. If I deactivate the Revolution Slider it works again.

I also got a mail "The Site is Experiencing Technical Difficulties" saying that the problem is based in the BeTheme.

Could you please help me?

I will send you credentials to access the site.

Many thanks and best regards,



  • Hi,

    I'm sorry, but I don't know what 'menü page' you are talking about, and I could not find it.

    Can you explain where I should look at it, please?


  • Hi Phil,

    It´s this page:

    When the Revolution Slider is activated this page won´t load (neither in Firefox nor in Chrome - see screenshot).

    And neither here on my Mac nor on the PC of the client (with another IP).

    Best regards,


  • I did not deactivate SR, but it still displays like this for me:

    Should I proceed with any extra steps?

    Best regards

  • Could this be an update error, Phil?

    When I go to the plugins page the Revolution Slider wants an update:

    But when I go to the BeTheme plugins page, I can´t update... it behaves like all is up to date:

    Sorry, I don´t know what to tell you... I can´t work on it and neither can my client with a complete different setup, browser, ip-adress... ??‍♂️ and yet we need to be able to work on the menu.

    Do you have any other idea, of what I can / should check? Or... do you have the possibility to pass this to the Revolution Slider support?

    Best regards,


  • Please turn off all of the plugins, refresh your cache, and check if the problem persists.

    Moreover, switch from child to parent theme, and recheck it.


  • Hi Phil,

    I did... and stil it is the Revolution Slider crashing everything.

    And still weird - on the plugins-page it still askes to be updated – yet when I go to the BeTheme -> Plugins page... I can´t press the update button.

    Could you please check what is causing the error?

    I´ve let the Slider deactivated for now.

    Many thanks and happy weekend.

    Best regards,


  • I meant to disable all plugins but Slider Revolution to see if no other creates such conflict.

    I checked that again, and it works with SR active:

    If the newest version is not available yet, please wait for it. The plugins you buy with the theme are not premium plugins. If you want instant updates, you have to purchase the plugins separately.


  • Hi Phil,

    I know - and that´s exactly what I did... and I tested them one by one.

    But it´s still the Slider Revolution causing the problem - have a look:

    If I knew what I´m doing wrong I can change it... but I have no clue, why this is happening 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Would you please make another effort to help me?

    Many thanks and

    best regards,


  • All we can do in such case is to report it to Slider Revolution's author as the issue you have faced with has nothing to with the theme.

  • Hi Phil,

    Please do so – you can also give them my contact information... to contact me directly, as we really need a quick solution here.

    Many thanks and

    best regards,


  • They won't contact you as you never purchased premium version directly from them. Also, we can't guarantee this would be fixed as maybe it doesn't work for some reason why don't know.

  • Hi Phil,

    This is not very pleasent – I´m using the Theme with the Revolution Slider an almost all pages I created for clients (more than 20 pages) and this error never happened. It´s also weird, that it only seems to be happening here in Germany. Our developer from codeable get´s a full working menu.

    Isn´t there any other solution for such a big BeTheme fan and good client like me 😂

    Thanx and best regards,


  • I personally don't use Slider Revolution for any project because in my opinion plugin is pretty heavy and slows down any project. I prefer to use Loop Builder instead. Nevertheless, like said above, this have been already reported to plugin's author.

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