Problem with popup


I carefully followed the tutorial on popup construction. I launched the creator, set the parameters as explained and built my popup. I inserted the link in a button, opening in a lightbox.

I've made a copy of all the parameters I used.

But my popup doesn't display properly (I've tried three times). I have two close buttons and only the one on the left works. I chose to close by clicking on the screen and this enlarges the popup. You can see that the display is horrible.

Can you tell me if I'm doing a step wrong?

How can I solve the problem?

Thanks in advance

Best regards

Translated with (free version)


  • edited July 20

    This is the button's configuration

  • Also, when I click on close popup, the window closes but I can still hear the sound of the popup video.

  • Hi,

    Only these two options should be selected to make popup work:

    Please remove the class, link target, and content from the link field.

    Also, the popup should have the condition assigned "Entire website," or it should be selected in the Page Option where you want to show it.

    Best regards

  • I'm going to test it

    Thank you

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